Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week Cody brought home some cucumbers from work. I don’t like cucumbers so it was definitely up to him to eat them all. I love the smell but not the taste. After a few days of not eating them he decided he probably wouldn't anytime soon so rather than letting them go bad, we decided to pickle them!

I don’t know the first thing about pickling ANYTHING so I did what anyone else would do…..asked my Facebook friends! I went to Facebook and asked if anyone knew how to make pickles. It seems like everyone I asked knows someone who knows how but nobody actually knows how themselves. However, my trusty hairstylist, Cara Beth, came through for me and called her grandmother to get me her recipe.

I went and bought all the supplies, including the cute little jars with red and white lids, and got to work last night. Since my jars were short I ended up slicing them all into dill chip size and doing it that way. Now they’re just sitting and waiting to be eaten. I’m not really sure how long that will be though….I forgot to ask that question. =/ Maybe I’ll have to ask Cha Cha! The answer to that one.

I’ll keep you posted on how they taste and if they are yummy, I'll get permission to post her recipe for the 3 people who read this blog. =)


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